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Event Listing Info:
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Date(s) - 22/04/2019 - 23/04/2019
Location / Link:
1000 Trades
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Aging, Health, Wellness Conference: For a better Aging Care scheduled on April 22-23, 2019 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia goes with the theme Advancing the Future of Healthy Aging. Aging Meet 2019 is an international event focusing on the core knowledge and major advances in the ever-expanding field of Aging, Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology by attracting experts on a global scale. It is a global platform to discuss the innovative researches and developments in the Aging, Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology. It is a golden opportunity to meet eminent personalities and to learn the latest technological advancements.
The distinctive features of the conference includes Aesthetic Medicine, Aging and Gerontology, Aging and Mental Health, Aging and Technology , Aging Care Management , Aging Disorders , Anti-Aging Strategies , Antioxidants and Aging , Cultural Diversity in Aging , Economic and Social Impact of Aging, Evolution of Aging, Frailty/Sarcopenia, Genetics of Aging, Geriatrics, Law and Aging, Life Extension Science, Mechanisms of Aging, Nutrition and Healthy Aging, Senescence, Theories of Aging
Ticket Link: Full link http://www.website.com
Venue Website: Full link http://www.website.com
Website: Full link http://www.yoursite.com
Email: agingmeet2019@gmail.com
Dress Code: None
Age Limits: N/A
Event Capacity: