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Date(s) - 30/01/2024
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See what's on & more about the venue at the above location page / link.
The UK Science Festival Network conference is back!
Are you interested or involved in organising science festivals, events or activities? Join us in January to explore what will the UK look like in 2050 and how Festivals can take us there.
By 2050, the UK will look very different. We are living through a period of massive upheaval driven by climate change and shifting social dynamics. Science and technology is advancing at a rapid pace and has the potential to either exacerbate or mediate some of the biggest challenges we have ever faced as a planet. We are at a tipping point, both in terms of the climate and in terms of what our lives will look like in 30 years’ time.
The UK aims to hit net zero by 2050. To do so will not only require huge technological changes to our energy, transport and food networks, but also massive behaviour and lifestyle changes. Science Festivals occupy an exciting space in their ability to explore these issues and engage with our communities to find solutions and bring about positive change.
This year’s UKSFN conference will present an optimistic picture for life in the UK in 2050 and, throughout the day, build a roadmap for how we can all contribute to bringing our vision to life.
Join us to celebrate the role of Science Festivals as catalysts for change, as potent agents shaping a sustainable, inclusive, and innovative future.
See the full programme above!
Are you coming? Let people know on Twitter with the hashtag #UKSFN24
About the UKSFN
The UK science festival ecosystem is diverse and constantly evolving, but we rarely take the time to celebrate what we have achieved or to look ahead to some of the challenges and opportunities for the sector. This is where the UK Science Festivals Network come in – we bring together science festivals and non-science festivals with scientific content to consider the highs, lows and future of festival organisation and management.
The UK Science Festivals Network is managed by the British Science Association, a charity that aims to affirm science as a part of British culture. We meet several times a year to discuss our work and the future of science festivals, advocating for the importance of science festivals in conversation with funding bodies and decision makers.
Tickets include access to all sessions, refreshments and lunch.
Early bird tickets (before 9 January 2024)
Non-members – £100 + VAT
Members – £50 + VAT
General admission (after 9 January 2024)
Non-members – £120 + VAT
Members – £60 + VAT
If you would like to attend the conference but are unable to because of financial reasons, we may be able to help. To enquire, please contact us via info@sciencefestivals.uk with your reasons for requiring the fund and why attending the conference will be of benefit to you by January 15 2024. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis and you will be notified whether you have been successful shortly after this date. Please note, this is not a concessionary fund (i.e. discounts will not be made based on student/age status alone) and we have a limited amount of funding available, so may not be able to provide support to everyone who enquires.
Although we would love to be able to cover travel and accommodation costs for delegates, the UKSFN is a non-profit group and therefore the conference is a non-profit event. All the money from ticket sales goes towards facilitating the conference, so please ensure you arrange your own travel and accommodation.
Venue information
We are kindly being hosted by STEAMhouse, Belmont Row, Birmingham B4 7RQ.
You can find more details on how to get to the venue on the STEAMhouse website.
Arrivals from 9.30 for a 10.00 start.
STEAMhouse is a mobility-friendly venue and all conference rooms are wheelchair accessible. Events will take place on the ground floor (level access from street level) and upper floors (accessible via wheelchair-friendly lifts, including motorised wheelchairs).
The venue doesn’t have any parking available (including disabled parking), but there is free parking for Blue Badge holders at the Millennium Point multi-storey car park across the street.
Seating will be available in every conference room (movable conference chairs with no armrests).
Disabled toilets are available on the ground floor.
There are gender-neutral toilets in the building.
Showering facilities are available for those who cycle in.
A Multi-faith Prayer/Quiet Room will be available for use throughout the conference.
You are free to enter and exit the conference sessions throughout the day. Food/refreshments can be brought in all the conference venues, but not in STEAMhouse’s production space.
Service dogs are welcome.
Hearing loops are available in all conference spaces. If you plan to make use of the system, please let us know when you book a ticket so that we can reserve the seats with the best signal.
You can let us know your accessibility requirements when you book a ticket or email us with questions at info@sciencefestivals.uk
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Dress Code: None
Age Limits: N/A